Townfoot Estate, Brampton, Cumbria
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          Aulos 521 Bass Recorder..


          Aulos 521 Bass Recorder..

          Manufacturer: Aulos



          The delivery cost of this item is £2.95.

          Colour: Dark Brown and Ivory, Length:94.5cm, Material: ABS resin, Design: Curved windway, concave bell at the foot-joint, three-pieces, f/f# double key. Full and rich sound enhances recorder ensemble. Easy to play because of its lightweight design ,comfortable finger stretch and direct blow Ivory coloured mouthpiece. Includes leatherette bag, cleaning rod, joint grease, sling.

          As with Sopranino and Treble recorders, the natural key of the Bass is F.  Recorder players with these instruments learn different fingering and play un-transposed music. So three fingers on the upper joint is C, not G as it would be on a descant recorder. (The same as a bassoon!)